Amazon kills DPReview, the best camera review site on the web

Amazon kills DPReview, the best camera review site on the web

Some people are obviously upset that Amazon is killing DPReview, I don’t have an opinion on it as to whether or not this is good or bad. But I do know that I was sad to see them go. Long live YouTube! Camera review sites are a dying breed. They were founded with the intent of getting smaller cameras into the hands of those who couldn’t afford to shell out $5000 for a camera + tons of lenses + bags + tripods etc.. Now all we need is something to replace them with and we will be back in business!

Amazon is killing DPReview

“Some people are obviously upset that Amazon is killing DPReview, I don’t have an opinion on it as to whether or not this is good or bad. But I do know that I was sad to see them go. DPReview had been around for a long time and was one of the very first review sites for cameras and lenses.

They also had a lot of celebrity users like Matt Smith (Doctor Who), Michael Bay (Transformers) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Terminator). The videos were pretty good quality too with some nice cinematography done by professional film makers who worked in Hollywood but also shot their own videos while traveling abroad once in awhile which made them even better!

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There was no doubt that DPReview had become an essential part of any photographer’s toolkit when it comes to buying gear online because they always gave honest reviews without bias or agenda which meant there were no surprises when reading their reviews — so you knew exactly what you were getting before making decisions about whether something would work well for your needs as opposed being sold based solely on marketing claims made by manufacturers themselves.”

Long live YouTube!

In a world where you can’t find a camera review site that’s free and has more reviews than DPReview, YouTube is your new best friend. It’s not just the best camera review site on the web—it’s also one of the most popular websites in general, with billions of users and a staggering number of videos uploaded every day. And with those numbers comes an incredible amount of content: thousands upon thousands of user-generated reviews from experts all around the world who share their opinions on everything from DSLRs to point-and-shoots to action cameras (and everything in between).

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Camera review sites are a dying breed. They were founded with the intent of getting smaller cameras into the hands of those who couldn’t afford to shell out $5000 for a camera + tons of lenses + bags + tripods etc.. Now all we need is something to replace them with and we will be back in business!

We’ve all heard of the camera review sites that were founded with the intent of getting smaller cameras into the hands of those who couldn’t afford to shell out $5000 for a camera + tons of lenses + bags + tripods etc.. Now all we need is something to replace them with and we will be back in business!

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The DPReview Camera Database is one such example, not only does it have reviews on all sorts of cameras but also includes articles about photography techniques like how to shoot macros or why certain lenses are better than others when used under specific circumstances. In short: it’s an amazing resource for anyone looking for information about their cameras or photography in general (including us!), so if you’re interested in reading more about this company then head over here right now!

We need more camera reviews!

You may have noticed that there are no reviews for any of the cameras, lenses or tripods in our inventory. We’re sorry to say that we have been forced to cancel DPReview. We’re still working on finding a new home for all of your favorite gear, but until then we’d love if you could help spread the word about what’s lost with this change by sharing links on social media and telling friends about us!


I think that the future of photography is bright. I am a big believer in the power of technology and how it can be used to make things better. We have seen this with phones, tablets and laptops; now we just need to keep our eyes open for new ways we can use them!

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