NEWS: Sanders on Netanyahu Addressing Congress This Week

NEWS: Sanders on Netanyahu Addressing Congress This Week

July 22, Washington, D.C. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) made the following announcement today in advance of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to the Congress this week during a joint session:

I will not be attending Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress on Wednesday, as I said last month.

I concur that Yahya Sinwar and Benjamin Netanyahu are war criminals, as does the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the independent panel of the United Nations.

Under Sinwar’s direction, Hamas launched a horrifying assault on Israel to start this conflict, killing 1,200 innocent men, women, and children and capturing over 240 more.


In retaliation, Netanyahu and his radical, right-wing administration have launched an all-out assault on the Palestinian people, resulting in the deaths of at least 39,000 and the injuries of 89,000, sixty percent of whom are women, children, or senior citizens.

Furthermore, Gaza’s housing stock, physical infrastructure, and healthcare system have all been destroyed by the Netanyahu war machine, rendering the area uninhabitable. Eighty-eight percent of all school buildings have sustained damage, and every institution has been attacked.

Additionally, around 495,000 individuals have catastrophic levels of food insecurity—that is, they are starving—as a result of the continued limitations on humanitarian supplies.

No, Netanyahu is not worthy of a warm reception in the US Congress. Conversely, we should strongly denounce his actions in Gaza and the West Bank as well as his rejection of a two-state solution. I believe that no further public money should be given to his radical, right-wing administration so that it may go on destroying Gaza inhumanely.

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