Statement from President Joe Biden on Sonya Massey

Statement from President Joe Biden on Sonya Massey

Sonya Massey was and should be a treasured daughter, mother, friend, and young Black woman. Sonya was worried about a possible intruder, so she phoned the police.

All Americans should be allowed to ask for assistance without worrying about losing our lives, no matter who we are or where we live.

The killing of Sonya at the hands of a responding officer serves as a reminder that Black Americans, more than most of us, often experience anxiety for their safety.

The family of Sonya deserves justice. Her children and her whole family are dealing with an unimaginable and terrible tragedy, and for that, I am very saddened.

Along with the rest of the nation, Jill and I are in mourning, and at this terrible time, our thoughts and prayers are with Sonya’s family, friends, and community.


I applaud the Springfield State’s Attorney’s office for acting promptly. Let’s pray to ease the bereaved as we wait for the matter to be pursued.

Now is the time for Congress to approve the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. There’s a stake in our core commitment to justice.

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