A student diary project improving literacy skills and wellbeing

A student diary project improving literacy skills and wellbeing

This project aims at improving literacy skills, in addition to the development of wellbeing. It’s designed to appeal to a wide range of students, from those studying English as an additional language to those who have a year or two of English and need more practice. The diary will be used as a tool for communication with teachers and parents. A set of various activities that can be carried out with the diary will be provided for students at each level to follow

The project is aimed at improving literacy skills, in addition to the development of wellbeing.

The project is aimed at improving literacy skills, in addition to the development of wellbeing. The diary will be used by students to write down their thoughts and feelings daily, which they can then share with their peers. This allows them to develop communication skills as well as self-confidence in their writing abilities. It’s designed to appeal to a wide range of students, from those studying English as an additional language to those who have a year or two of English and need more practice.

The project is designed to appeal to a wide range of students, from those studying English as an additional language to those who have a year or two of English and need more practice. It’s also designed for teachers who want to add more variety into their lessons and give students more opportunities to practice their skills, whether they’re at home or in class.

The diary will be used as a tool for communication with teachers and parents.

  • The diary will be used as a tool for communication with teachers and parents.
  • The diary will be used as a tool for communication with friends.
  • The diary will be used as a tool for communication with family members.

The diary will be used as a tool for communication between students, who can then share their experiences in an informal setting outside of the classroom setting. This may include writing about events that happened on the day or at school, sharing thoughts about what has been happening at home/school etc., posting photos of themselves dressed up in different outfits or going out together on trips during holidays etc., chatting online using social media platforms like Facebook Messenger (which is free!)

A set of various activities that can be carried out with the diary will be provided for students at each level to follow. The diary is a tool for communication with teachers and parents. The diary will be used as a tool for communication with teachers and parents.

There are three levels in the project – beginner, intermediate and advanced – with each one corresponding to the number of days in a week (e.g., Monday-Saturday).

There are three levels in the project – beginner, intermediate and advanced – with each one corresponding to the number of days in a week (e.g., Monday-Saturday).

Level 1: Beginner – This level is intended for students who have no prior knowledge of diary keeping or writing skills. The student will be asked to keep an accurate record of their daily routine for seven consecutive days, including times when they were not at school or work. They should also include any additional information such as names of people they met during these seven days and places where they visited etc., which can help them improve their literacy skills by learning how to write down words from a dictionary or encyclopedia.

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Level 2: Intermediate – This level focuses on helping learners develop their basic vocabulary skills through reading comprehension exercises that require them to identify key elements within texts written about specific topics related back home problems faced by young people living abroad without proper support systems available locally (e.g., lack access healthcare services). Students may also need help understanding some tricky grammar rules if they have never studied English before so make sure you’re ready before starting this course!

Students can choose activities they would like to undertake on certain days that they feel comfortable doing because they have already completed it once before.

Students can choose activities they would like to undertake on certain days that they feel comfortable doing because they have already completed it once before. For example, if a student has difficulty when writing or drawing, he or she might like to practice their skills at home by creating a collage using pictures from magazines and newspapers. This is an easy activity that can be done in the comfort of one’s own home and does not require any special materials (such as paint) or equipment (such as scissors).

Another way for students who have difficulty reading aloud may be through listening comprehension exercises such as reading stories out loud while recording their responses with a tape recorder or dictating them into an electronic device connected through headphones so that another person hears what you say but cannot see your face either directly speaking words aloud or typing them into a computer program running onscreen at the same time which allows us both share ideas together so that we can work together towards mutual goals just like how two people playing tennis together do during one game session!

This is an engaging way to improve literacy!

This is an engaging way to improve literacy!

  • It’s a fun way to practice your English.
  • It’s a good way to improve your wellbeing.
  • It’s also a good way for you and your friends or family members who don’t speak English as their first language (FLES) can communicate with each other through this project and learn how they can help one another with the language barrier, which could be very beneficial for both parties involved during this project.


The diary is designed to be used as a tool for communication with teachers and parents. A set of various activities that can be carried out with the diary will be provided for students at each level to follow. There are three levels in this project – beginner, intermediate and advanced – with each one corresponding to the number of days in a week (e.g., Monday-Saturday). Students can choose activities they would like to undertake on certain days that they feel comfortable doing because they have already completed it once before.

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